Sunday, April 11, 2010

You never know what you'll come across

Beautiful day today, so my son and I went down to the Fox River to do our spring ritual of looking for clam shells.  Its only a once a year thing and its in the spring when its cooler cause clam shells left out for awhile, in the heat, well, you know what I'm saying.  Yuck.  While there we walked down a trail along the river and came across 3 very happy go lucky young girls carrying this huge fish.  They were mighty proud of their catch and were only too happy to pose for a picture.  It wasn't until I had taken their picture that I started to wonder what 3 young girls of this age were doing out here alone and how did they get that fish with no fishing gear.  Well, shortly after I saw their dad walking down the trail behind them, asked him if it was ok to have taken their picture, and everyone went on their merry way.  Oh, and we found lots of clam shells.  Anyone want some?

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